Proceedings shall be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online publication. CEUR proceedings indexed in SCOPUS database. Papers should conform following requirements [in details covered at ceur-ws.org]

  • The minimum length of a regular paper should be 5 pages and has an appropriate number of references. It shall contain enough substance that it can be cited in other publications;
  • All papers should be highly related to computer science to be included in CEUR proceedings (application may be in engineering or space, but the methodology of the papers should be mostly grounded in computer science);
  • English is default language for the paper preparation (this limitation will help with the readership of published papers for international audience);
  • Author should fill-in and sign copyright-transfer form for non-exclusive right for electronic publication for all published material [will be provided in the coming weeks]
  • Material should be prepared in TEX according to provided template [ceur-ws.org]. Our editorial board selected onecolpceurws.sty indented for preparing plain proceedings papers with page numbers (final template version will be provided in coming weeks). Online TEX-processing system like overleaf.com also could be used.
  • PDF paper should be generated for A4 format (LATEX editor is preferred)
  • The papers must be original, i.e. not published in an earlier workshop or conference or journal!
  • The papers in the proceedings should be in Portable Document Format (PDF).
  • The authors in the paper PDFs should give meaningful affiliations, which typically include the author’s organization and country.
  • The titles of papers all use the regular English (or native language – like Preparing the submission file title) style (mixture of native language style and emphasizing capitalized is not allowed).

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